Eighteen Gatlinburg neighbors met for several hours of friendly conversation January 18 at the Pflugerville Recreation Center. They learned that a “Gatlinburg Get Together” was simply an opportunity to share concerns and build neighborly cooperation.
Diversity was a key characteristic of participants. They lived on different Gatlinburg streets in different parts of the neighborhood. Several had been residents for over twenty years while one couple had just bought their home three months ago! Most had not met before and came out of curiosity and a desire to get better acquainted.
Several concerns voiced in November resurfaced again including:
- unsafe high speed on our streets
- congested street parking, especially on Gatlinburg Drive
- poor up keep of homes, perhaps due to absentee owners
Plus some new concerns discussed included:
- meter readers that left fence gates open allowing pets to escape
- cars leaking oil in the street
- what to do about sinking house foundations
- was a building permit required to build a patio cover
- finding neighborhood child care
- leaning fences along Immanuel giving a bad impression to our whole neighborhood.
People proposed projects including:
- a Gatlinburg-wide garage sale for May 2nd (email garagesale@gnafriends.org)
- a community garden (or a garden club)
- a play group for pre-school children
- a walking group
- water testing on Gilliland Creet (contact Barbara Rotolo-Caballero)
- writing a Gatlinburg web site and printed newsletter (visit http://www.gnafriends.org )
What Can We Do?
Everyone agreed that it’s best to resolve complaints face to face with neighbors, but its also effective to call Pflugerville code enforcement at 251-400, menu option 9. Several people reported their experience that Mr. Wilson, the code enforcement staff, would get results if you persisted in calling. Reports can be made anonymously and staff will explain the process and what is a violation.
There was a lot of discussion about leaning fences on Immanuel Drive giving a poor impression of Gatlinburg. There was confusion about who is responsible for shared fence repairs. Mary Jane Ray and Sarah Rabe volunteered to research Pflugerville’s fence ordinances and write us a summary. If you’re signed up to receive e-mail from our Yahoo group, we’ll send you the information. To subscribe, send an email to GNA-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
The City planted 40 evergreen shrubs and native trees including Blue Point Juniper, Eastern Red Cedar, Wax Myrtle, and Yaupon Holly behind houses on Gatlinburg Drive bordering Pflugerville’s Animal Shelter to cut down on noise and screen the facility. Residents can sign-up to volunteer to plant trees at Lake Pflugerville park on Saturday, February 14 by emailing aprilr@cityofpflugerville.com.
The Pflugerville Community Library hosts a genealogy group every month on the first Thursday according to Clay Leben. More information is at http://pflugervillegenealogy.pbwiki.com/
Thanks to Clay Leben, Barbara Rotolo-Caballero, and Percy and Johnie Richardson for contributing time to organizing the January Gatlinburg Get Together.
Our February Gatlinburg Get Together will be Sunday, February 15, 1 pm to 3 pm at the Pflugerville Recreation Center. Announcements will be put on www.gnafriends.org and gna@yahoogroups email list and neighborhood entrance signs. To help plan the next Gatlinburg Get Together, write info@gnafriends.org.